This is really hard for me to write.
After finally arriving at
the end of a
very lengthy, I mean
looooooooong, drawn out, disjointed, interrupted by a deployment, grueling hiring process which we fully expected to end happily, Ben was recently notified by FBI headquarters that they won't be hiring him as a special agent after all. No reason stated. Even his applicant coordinator was surprised.
While we always knew this could happen, we are still trying to wrap our heads around it and figure out what to do next.
If you look at the big picture, I guess this is pretty small potatoes. But that perspective is a little difficult to keep in focus when you have no real income and you're not even sure what you want to do in an economy where people are struggling to keep jobs that they actually already have.
Still, we're trying to remain optimistic, keep our minds open, and spend a lot of time on our knees.