Wednesday, November 24, 2010

Blue Hat, Green Hat

Have you read this book to your baby?

I read it to Claire tonight before bed, and by the third page (when the turkey is wearing his pants on his head) she was laughing hysterically - like I've never heard her laugh before. By the time I finished the book we both had tears running down our cheeks from laughing so hard. She was literally gasping for breath - which made me laugh all the harder. Ben came in to see what was so funny.

Claire made me read it four more times, chuckling all the while. Who would have thought a 12 month old would get it?


Kendra said...

That is hilarious and so cute. And yes, I've read it to Owen many times, but at 6 mo his clueless. Hopefully in another six months he'll be giggling uncontrollably too. :)

noelle said...

So strange - I just read this book to Anna and Miller 10 minutes before I read your post. Actually Anna reads it to Miller because she has it memorized (not hard since you just follow the pictures) and that's because when she was Claire's age she also decided it was the most hilarious book ever. While I was reading it this morning I was flashing back to the way she'd chuckle every time we'd read it and wondering when Miller would start to get it.

Jean said...

Okay, I need to get it. That is HILARIOUS.

Anonymous said...

I need to get this book out again and try it on Hallie maybe? At least until Evelyn is old enough:) I want to know what you did about Paige and her discovered gifts! I have nightmares about that. All my kids gifts are semi hidden down in the basement, I hope and pray everyday that they don't somehow come across them! We all need grandma's attic equivalent in our lives. Our moms were so lucky! Also, good idea to just go ahead and get her a pillow pet. I kept thinking they were some kind of passing fad, but I'm pretty sure they are here to stay! My kids love theirs. I'll have to tell Elena that Paige wants the same one she has. When are you guys going to be in CA? I will be in utah 17-28. You better be there during part of that...