Wednesday, June 18, 2008


Here is Paige talking to her daddy via video teleconference (VTC) this morning. Ben got wireless internet to his barracks earlier this week so now we get to talk to him using Skype. SOOOO awesome! Paige was jumping up and down and laughing like crazy when she first saw him on the computer screen, and now when she sees the laptop closed she tries to open it up to see if Ben is there. We really are so blessed to have this technology. Even though he's literally half way around the world, it makes us feel a little closer to be able to talk face-to-face.


heidizinha said...

i have some serious love for skype.

Anne said...

So sweet!

That Girl said...

Skype is my favorite thing EVER. It has made living in Brazil bearable - not to mention the fact that our phone bill got cut by three-quarters!

Carly Andelin said...

That is so great how you can conveniently talk to Ben--I'm sure that is such a blessing with helping Paige keeping in contact with her daddy! I had no idea that his arrangements could be so casual. That's great!