This past Sunday's sacrament meeting was the Christmas program. Ben sang with the choir. I opted out this year due to just having a baby and the fact that someone's got to sit with the kids (male singers are in much higher demand in our ward choir than female singers). Paige was restless and a little naughty. I didn't really think she was paying attention until one of the speakers quoted this scripture:
Luke 2:7
And she brought forth her firstborn son, and wrapped him in swaddling clothes, and laid him in a manger; because there was no room for them in the inn.
A moment later Paige looked up at me and said, "Mom, why is this story always SO sad? She had to wrap him up and lay him in a nest . . . LIKE A BIRD!"
Tuesday, December 22, 2009
Tuesday, December 15, 2009
Celebrating Christmas
The Christmas season is off and running. Some of the ways we've celebrated so far include:
Monday, December 14, 2009
Sunday, December 13, 2009
Claire's Birth
This took me a lot longer to post than I had intended. I wrote up a word document about Claire's birth that was over 3 pages long; what follows is the short version.
I was feeling pretty exhausted on Halloween (the 2 days prior I had had a lot of energy and had finished all the readying for the baby – my nesting instinct I assume) so I had no trouble falling/staying asleep that night. Other than being tired, I felt pretty good – no backache, cramping, etc. I think we went to bed around 11pm.
The next thing I know I’m checking the time on my cell phone. 1:20am. I had been in a state of semi-consciousness and had just realized that I had had 3 fairly strong contractions pretty close together. I decided to get out of bed and walk around to see if the contractions stuck around and also to time them. I notified Ben of what was going on and told him to keep trying to sleep; I’d let him know if things were serious.
I paced and checked my google reader, while keeping track of contractions. Not wanting to get to the hospital too early, and not sure if these contractions were true labor, I said a silent prayer to know if we should leave for the hospital. I especially did not want to rouse my friend in the middle of the night to come over and sleep at my house/watch over Paige if this was not the real thing or if it was going to take a really long time. Immediately following my silent prayer I felt the need to go to the bathroom. While sitting on the toilet my water broke with a “pop” and a loud splash. There was my answer. It was 1:45am.
I went back downstairs, informed Ben it was time to get ready, and got in the shower to rinse off. After a quick shower I called my friend Kendra, really hoping she had remembered to leave her phone on. She arrived at our house 15 minutes later. I grabbed some last minute things like toiletries to add to my hospital bag, gave instructions on what to do with/say to Paige when she woke up in the morning, and after a couple of mad dashes back into the house to grab some forgotten items, we were off on our 15 minute drive to American Fork Hospital. We ran one stop sign on our way – the one closest to the hospital. I was having an intense contraction at the time and said to Ben through clenched teeth, “Don’t stop. Just run it.”
That contraction ended as Ben pulled into a parking space at the hospital. Not wanting to waste one precious contraction-free moment I jumped out of the car and walked briskly to the entrance, leaving Ben to grab what he could of our belongings and race after me. As I walked past the security guard, beach towel wrapped around my waist, I could feel the next contraction coming on. The security guard called after me inquiring why we were there. Without stopping or turning my head I yelled back, “I’m in labor.” By the time we got on the elevator to take us up to L&D the contraction was in full force. The next one hit immediately after checking in at the nurse’s station. I closed my eyes and leaned over the counter as a nurse waited patiently to take me to my room. It was 2:45 am.
Once to my room Ben helped me change into a hospital gown. I then climbed onto the hospital bed and curled up on my side, trying to stay relaxed through contractions. The nurse asked me a few questions and then checked my cervix – I was at an 8! She then asked if I wanted any pain relief. I immediately responded yes and she explained the anesthesiologist would probably place a spinal block (as opposed to an epidural) since I was already so far along. She alerted the anesthesiologist, placed the IV, and continued to ask me questions in between contractions. At one point she asked me a question during a contraction and Ben says I shushed her.
The anesthesiologist showed up in our room less than 10 minutes after being called. We had a short discussion about my options before I asked the nurse to check me again. It had been my goal to deliver without pain medication if things were progressing quickly. But I waffled on that goal as the contractions got more intense. The anesthesiologist waited while the nurse checked and I was at a 9+! The anesthesiologist told me I had already felt the worst of it and if I wanted to deliver without meds than I should go for it, with the reassurance that he would be more than happy to come right back if things began to take too long or if I changed my mind. I agreed and he left. Ben’s hand became my outlet for the pain.
Things were obviously progressing very fast. My OB hadn’t arrived at the hospital yet, in fact there were no OBs at the hospital. There was one midwife there, named Jessica, who had just finished the only other delivery that night. Jessica came in to be with me in case my doctor didn’t make it in time. I was so glad to have her there. She obviously knew what to do for women in un-medicated labor. She spoke softly, didn’t try to talk to me during contractions, and she put her fist in the small of my back during contractions. It was amazingly effective!
The doctor showed up just in time for me to start pushing. Wow, what a relief pushing was! The hardest part of the whole thing was definitely the contractions when I was going from and 8 to a 10. Pushing was exhausting, but preferable to contractions. After a few pushes they couldn’t find the baby’s heart beat. Things got pretty intense for a moment and I remember the doctor telling me the baby needed to come out on the next push. He didn’t add “or else”, but that was what it sounded like to me. Neither Ben nor I remember exactly how many times or how long I pushed, but it was probably less than 10 minutes after I started that little Claire was born. It was 3:18 am, about 1/2 hour after arriving at the hospital. The cord was wrapped around Claire's neck and despite some hearty cries she seemed to have some trouble breathing. Ben got to cut the cord, but I didn’t get to hold Claire right away. The “respiratory team” was called in and after several minutes of them working on Claire (while the OB stitched me up), I finally got to hold her. But they quickly took her away to the nursery to put her on the CPAP machine. They reassured me that she was going to be fine, but they wanted to further monitor her breathing as a precaution. Ben left with her to the nursery.
I sat and waited and rested in the delivery room while the nurses monitored my bleeding. Apparently I was bleeding a little too much. They pushed on my stomach a lot (ugh!) and gave me a shot of methergine to control the bleeding. Dad and baby returned an hour and half later and I finally got to hold and nurse our little girl!
She was a great nurser right from the start and has been a good sleeper too. She has a bit of a temper and will squawk quite loudly if something is wrong, but doesn't typically cry much, although the last few days have been more "difficult" and I suspect acid reflux. We're going to call the Dr. tomorrow to get that fixed ASAP.
I was really happy with the way my labor and delivery went. I wanted an unmedicated birth and I got one, if only because it was so quick :) I can only hope any and all future children come in less than 2 hours as well!
I was feeling pretty exhausted on Halloween (the 2 days prior I had had a lot of energy and had finished all the readying for the baby – my nesting instinct I assume) so I had no trouble falling/staying asleep that night. Other than being tired, I felt pretty good – no backache, cramping, etc. I think we went to bed around 11pm.
The next thing I know I’m checking the time on my cell phone. 1:20am. I had been in a state of semi-consciousness and had just realized that I had had 3 fairly strong contractions pretty close together. I decided to get out of bed and walk around to see if the contractions stuck around and also to time them. I notified Ben of what was going on and told him to keep trying to sleep; I’d let him know if things were serious.
I paced and checked my google reader, while keeping track of contractions. Not wanting to get to the hospital too early, and not sure if these contractions were true labor, I said a silent prayer to know if we should leave for the hospital. I especially did not want to rouse my friend in the middle of the night to come over and sleep at my house/watch over Paige if this was not the real thing or if it was going to take a really long time. Immediately following my silent prayer I felt the need to go to the bathroom. While sitting on the toilet my water broke with a “pop” and a loud splash. There was my answer. It was 1:45am.
I went back downstairs, informed Ben it was time to get ready, and got in the shower to rinse off. After a quick shower I called my friend Kendra, really hoping she had remembered to leave her phone on. She arrived at our house 15 minutes later. I grabbed some last minute things like toiletries to add to my hospital bag, gave instructions on what to do with/say to Paige when she woke up in the morning, and after a couple of mad dashes back into the house to grab some forgotten items, we were off on our 15 minute drive to American Fork Hospital. We ran one stop sign on our way – the one closest to the hospital. I was having an intense contraction at the time and said to Ben through clenched teeth, “Don’t stop. Just run it.”
That contraction ended as Ben pulled into a parking space at the hospital. Not wanting to waste one precious contraction-free moment I jumped out of the car and walked briskly to the entrance, leaving Ben to grab what he could of our belongings and race after me. As I walked past the security guard, beach towel wrapped around my waist, I could feel the next contraction coming on. The security guard called after me inquiring why we were there. Without stopping or turning my head I yelled back, “I’m in labor.” By the time we got on the elevator to take us up to L&D the contraction was in full force. The next one hit immediately after checking in at the nurse’s station. I closed my eyes and leaned over the counter as a nurse waited patiently to take me to my room. It was 2:45 am.
Once to my room Ben helped me change into a hospital gown. I then climbed onto the hospital bed and curled up on my side, trying to stay relaxed through contractions. The nurse asked me a few questions and then checked my cervix – I was at an 8! She then asked if I wanted any pain relief. I immediately responded yes and she explained the anesthesiologist would probably place a spinal block (as opposed to an epidural) since I was already so far along. She alerted the anesthesiologist, placed the IV, and continued to ask me questions in between contractions. At one point she asked me a question during a contraction and Ben says I shushed her.
The anesthesiologist showed up in our room less than 10 minutes after being called. We had a short discussion about my options before I asked the nurse to check me again. It had been my goal to deliver without pain medication if things were progressing quickly. But I waffled on that goal as the contractions got more intense. The anesthesiologist waited while the nurse checked and I was at a 9+! The anesthesiologist told me I had already felt the worst of it and if I wanted to deliver without meds than I should go for it, with the reassurance that he would be more than happy to come right back if things began to take too long or if I changed my mind. I agreed and he left. Ben’s hand became my outlet for the pain.
Things were obviously progressing very fast. My OB hadn’t arrived at the hospital yet, in fact there were no OBs at the hospital. There was one midwife there, named Jessica, who had just finished the only other delivery that night. Jessica came in to be with me in case my doctor didn’t make it in time. I was so glad to have her there. She obviously knew what to do for women in un-medicated labor. She spoke softly, didn’t try to talk to me during contractions, and she put her fist in the small of my back during contractions. It was amazingly effective!
The doctor showed up just in time for me to start pushing. Wow, what a relief pushing was! The hardest part of the whole thing was definitely the contractions when I was going from and 8 to a 10. Pushing was exhausting, but preferable to contractions. After a few pushes they couldn’t find the baby’s heart beat. Things got pretty intense for a moment and I remember the doctor telling me the baby needed to come out on the next push. He didn’t add “or else”, but that was what it sounded like to me. Neither Ben nor I remember exactly how many times or how long I pushed, but it was probably less than 10 minutes after I started that little Claire was born. It was 3:18 am, about 1/2 hour after arriving at the hospital. The cord was wrapped around Claire's neck and despite some hearty cries she seemed to have some trouble breathing. Ben got to cut the cord, but I didn’t get to hold Claire right away. The “respiratory team” was called in and after several minutes of them working on Claire (while the OB stitched me up), I finally got to hold her. But they quickly took her away to the nursery to put her on the CPAP machine. They reassured me that she was going to be fine, but they wanted to further monitor her breathing as a precaution. Ben left with her to the nursery.
I sat and waited and rested in the delivery room while the nurses monitored my bleeding. Apparently I was bleeding a little too much. They pushed on my stomach a lot (ugh!) and gave me a shot of methergine to control the bleeding. Dad and baby returned an hour and half later and I finally got to hold and nurse our little girl!
She was a great nurser right from the start and has been a good sleeper too. She has a bit of a temper and will squawk quite loudly if something is wrong, but doesn't typically cry much, although the last few days have been more "difficult" and I suspect acid reflux. We're going to call the Dr. tomorrow to get that fixed ASAP.
I was really happy with the way my labor and delivery went. I wanted an unmedicated birth and I got one, if only because it was so quick :) I can only hope any and all future children come in less than 2 hours as well!
Wednesday, December 2, 2009
Claire's Blessing
We blessed Claire in our ward this past Sunday. I had a lot of family in town because of Thanksgiving and the BYU game, and my parents leave on their mission in a week, so we decided it was a good time.
Claire was exactly 4 weeks old. She was blessed by her father. She was a bit grumpy that morning, but didn't make a peep during the blessing. She wore a gown her Great-Grandma Miller gave her and was wrapped in a blanket I brought home from Bethlehem (from my study abroad to Jerusalem). She wore the same pearl bracelet Paige wore when she was blessed.
Thank you to all the family and friends who came and to the men for participating in Claire's blessing! We know 9am Sacrament meeting is hard to make, especially when you have to drive a ways to get there!
Claire was exactly 4 weeks old. She was blessed by her father. She was a bit grumpy that morning, but didn't make a peep during the blessing. She wore a gown her Great-Grandma Miller gave her and was wrapped in a blanket I brought home from Bethlehem (from my study abroad to Jerusalem). She wore the same pearl bracelet Paige wore when she was blessed.
Thank you to all the family and friends who came and to the men for participating in Claire's blessing! We know 9am Sacrament meeting is hard to make, especially when you have to drive a ways to get there!
Wednesday, November 4, 2009
Tuesday, November 3, 2009
Saturday, October 31, 2009
They learn young. . .
Ben took Paige trick or treating around the neighborhood this evening while I stayed home to pass out candy.
They visited our elderly next-door neighbor who handed out little bright red apples. As Paige trotted away to the next house she complained for all to hear, "You go trick or treating for candy, NOT APPLES!"
They visited our elderly next-door neighbor who handed out little bright red apples. As Paige trotted away to the next house she complained for all to hear, "You go trick or treating for candy, NOT APPLES!"
Friday, October 30, 2009
Mission Call
My parents received their mission call yesterday.
They have been called to serve in the Columbia, South Carolina mission. And they will report to the MTC on December 7th.
Any of you who know my stepfather most likely have never seen him beardless. . . until now.
They have been called to serve in the Columbia, South Carolina mission. And they will report to the MTC on December 7th.
Any of you who know my stepfather most likely have never seen him beardless. . . until now.
3 weeks ago . . .
I blogged about this.
I am happy to report, we are now much more ready for our little girl to arrive.
The linen shelves in the laundry room are up and stocked with clean linens.
My boxes (and boxes and boxes) of clothes are sorted and put away.
The spare room (office/craft room) now only contains boxes of office/craft supplies (which are still not unpacked because we have yet to purchase furniture for that room).
Still nothing hanging on the walls in the upstairs living room, but I did decorate for Halloween!
The toys have been unpacked, sorted through, and they have a permanent home.
The downstairs living room is furnished and box free! There are even a few things hanging on the walls :)
Paige's big girl room is under way. . . hmmm, maybe I can put my mom to work on that when she comes to help with the baby . . .
I am happy to report, we are now much more ready for our little girl to arrive.
The linen shelves in the laundry room are up and stocked with clean linens.
My boxes (and boxes and boxes) of clothes are sorted and put away.
The spare room (office/craft room) now only contains boxes of office/craft supplies (which are still not unpacked because we have yet to purchase furniture for that room).
Still nothing hanging on the walls in the upstairs living room, but I did decorate for Halloween!
The toys have been unpacked, sorted through, and they have a permanent home.
The downstairs living room is furnished and box free! There are even a few things hanging on the walls :)
Paige's big girl room is under way. . . hmmm, maybe I can put my mom to work on that when she comes to help with the baby . . .
39 weeks
I showed the following picture to Paige this morning and explained that that's how our baby fits in my tummy.
After Paige asked what the uterus and the placenta were (and our discussion that followed), these were her thoughts:
"I like it!"
"How come she's laying down?"
And my favorite:
Referring to the umbilical cord, "Does she have a blanket in there?".

"I like it!"
"How come she's laying down?"
And my favorite:
Referring to the umbilical cord, "Does she have a blanket in there?".
Monday, October 12, 2009
Conversation with Paige
Me: Paige, did you know the baby is coming soon?
Paige: I want her to come right now.
Me: You do?
Paige: Yeah, so I can squeeze her and hug her and give her a smooch.
Me : That's so nice! What else are you going to do with her?
Paige: Ummm, change her diaper!
Paige: I want her to come right now.
Me: You do?
Paige: Yeah, so I can squeeze her and hug her and give her a smooch.
Me : That's so nice! What else are you going to do with her?
Paige: Ummm, change her diaper!
Wednesday, October 7, 2009
Only 4 Weeks Left
. . . til my due date.
Where has time gone?!
This pregnancy has gone by so fast! And I'm not sure I'm ready for it to be ending so soon.
I know. . . people think I'm crazy when I say that. But I'm feeling pretty good - a little low in energy and some restless nights, but other than that the discomforts haven't been too bad. I am perfectly happy to live with those things for 4 weeks (or even more, honestly) since it means having more time to finish projects around the new house and finish preparing for the new baby.
There is still so much to do.
The linen shelves in the laundry room are only 3/4 of the way done. Which means the boxes of extra linens are not unpacked.
Can you believe I haven't even unpacked my boxes (and boxes and boxes) of clothes? Who wants to sort through and make space for a bunch of stuff you can't even wear?
The spare room (office/craft room) is still just a pile of boxes with stuff we obviously don't need or know what to do with (those boxes have been packed up for over a year and a half and we haven't had to get into them in the 2 months we've lived here).
I haven't hung anything on the walls in the living room.
The toys have to be sorted through and found a permanent home.
We need furniture for the downstairs living room and the office - but can't do much about that til we move out the boxes.
And I'd like to transform another room into Paige's big girl room and move her out of the nursery, but that entails a whole list of other projects that really can't get done until the rest of the list is completed. . . which means the baby will be rooming in with me for a while.
This new house thing should be fun. I think it would be if I had unlimited funds and/or time.
Baby girl, as excited as I am to meet you, just stay put as long as you'd like.
Where has time gone?!
This pregnancy has gone by so fast! And I'm not sure I'm ready for it to be ending so soon.
I know. . . people think I'm crazy when I say that. But I'm feeling pretty good - a little low in energy and some restless nights, but other than that the discomforts haven't been too bad. I am perfectly happy to live with those things for 4 weeks (or even more, honestly) since it means having more time to finish projects around the new house and finish preparing for the new baby.
There is still so much to do.
The linen shelves in the laundry room are only 3/4 of the way done. Which means the boxes of extra linens are not unpacked.
Can you believe I haven't even unpacked my boxes (and boxes and boxes) of clothes? Who wants to sort through and make space for a bunch of stuff you can't even wear?
The spare room (office/craft room) is still just a pile of boxes with stuff we obviously don't need or know what to do with (those boxes have been packed up for over a year and a half and we haven't had to get into them in the 2 months we've lived here).
I haven't hung anything on the walls in the living room.
The toys have to be sorted through and found a permanent home.
We need furniture for the downstairs living room and the office - but can't do much about that til we move out the boxes.
And I'd like to transform another room into Paige's big girl room and move her out of the nursery, but that entails a whole list of other projects that really can't get done until the rest of the list is completed. . . which means the baby will be rooming in with me for a while.
This new house thing should be fun. I think it would be if I had unlimited funds and/or time.
Baby girl, as excited as I am to meet you, just stay put as long as you'd like.
Sunday, September 13, 2009
The Beginning of the End (or It's My Birthday)
Today is my birthday. I am entering the last year of my 20's. Anything twenty-something sounds young and cool; anything older than that . . . doesn't. So I'm really not that excited about this birthday - it's the beginning of the end.*
Since we had to be at church this morning at 8:30am until about 12:30pm and Ben has some meetings this afternoon and then he has to go into work for a few hours this evening, we decided to celebrate my birthday yesterday.
Despite my lack of enthusiasm for getting older, I had a really great day.
I slept in and then woke up to doughnuts (and hats!)!
Later, Ben gave me an address and informed me I had an appointment there at 3pm. The surprise? A pedicure! I decided to get 'glitter toes'. I kind of feel 12, not 29. See what I mean?
When I got home an hour and a half later, Paige was napping and these were waiting for me on our kitchen table.
(Your first glimpses of the inside of our new (old) house - more to come soon. Promise.)
And then Ben told me to be ready at 6:30pm and to put on a dress. We dropped off Paige with Noelle, Steve, and Anna, and Ben took me here for dinner.
YUM! The food was SO good. I had the Butternut Squash Soup (BEST butternut squash soup ever), Chicken Marsala, and Creme Brulee. Delicious.
So, Happy Birthday to me :)
Thank you, Ben!
*I realize there's plenty of life left after 30 - maybe even the best parts. I'm just being dramatic.
Since we had to be at church this morning at 8:30am until about 12:30pm and Ben has some meetings this afternoon and then he has to go into work for a few hours this evening, we decided to celebrate my birthday yesterday.
Despite my lack of enthusiasm for getting older, I had a really great day.
I slept in and then woke up to doughnuts (and hats!)!
Later, Ben gave me an address and informed me I had an appointment there at 3pm. The surprise? A pedicure! I decided to get 'glitter toes'. I kind of feel 12, not 29. See what I mean?
When I got home an hour and a half later, Paige was napping and these were waiting for me on our kitchen table.
And then Ben told me to be ready at 6:30pm and to put on a dress. We dropped off Paige with Noelle, Steve, and Anna, and Ben took me here for dinner.
So, Happy Birthday to me :)
Thank you, Ben!
*I realize there's plenty of life left after 30 - maybe even the best parts. I'm just being dramatic.
Tuesday, September 1, 2009
I can't believe I'm breaking the (unintentional) blog silence for this . . .
but I simply cannot resist.
Have you visited
If not, go NOW.
Make sure to read the About Us section of the site.
I have not laughed this hard in a long time.
Have you visited
If not, go NOW.
Make sure to read the About Us section of the site.
I have not laughed this hard in a long time.
Thursday, July 23, 2009
Our New Home
We closed on our new house yesterday! Yay! It's not the same house I blogged about here but it's ours and it's cute and I love it and I'm so excited to finally be moving in to it!
The house was built in 1928, but was pretty much just gutted and completely redone inside. Four bedrooms, two baths, office, new kitchen, finished basement, large storage room . . . it's going to be great!
The house was built in 1928, but was pretty much just gutted and completely redone inside. Four bedrooms, two baths, office, new kitchen, finished basement, large storage room . . . it's going to be great!
The next few weeks (months?) should be interesting as we have lots of unpacking, decorating, fencing, patioing, and tree ripping out to do :)
Monday, July 13, 2009
Wyatt Family Reunion
Fourth of July weekend was spent camping just outside of Burley, Idaho with my mother's mother's siblings and their families.
My grandparents met and married in Burley, Idaho, and my mother was born there. Two of my grandmother's four brothers still live there (along with some of their children and grandchildren).
I have fond memories of visiting Burley during the summer, going to the Cassia County fair and rodeo, playing on my great uncle Grant's farm, lying in my great-grandmother Wyatt's hammock, picking her raspberries, playing with distant cousins in great uncle Neil's basement, hiking around in the City of Rocks, the yummy smell of coffee at my Great Grandma Miller's, playing on the teeter-totter in the school playground near her house, running through the sprinklers in her backyard . . . . the list goes on.
This year I can add another fond memory to the list: camping!
We had a blast. Paige tasted her first toasted marshmallow, slept in a sleeping bag in a tent for the first time, roasted hot dogs over the fire, gorged herself on watermelon, and played, played, played with her cousins. Upon waking up after our first night there, she announced, "Camping is the ever best!"
We'll have to do it again.
Sunday, July 12, 2009
Need a New OB
Sadly, I have to switch obstetricians. Anyone who has talked to me about this pregnancy knows that I LOVE my current OB, but after my 24 week check-up tomorrow, I'll have to make the switch. As much has I hate to admit it, it just doesn't make sense anymore for me to have a doctor whose practice is in St. George, since I now live in Utah County.
So, I know many of you have birthed babies in Utah County. Anybody love their OB so much that they would recommend him/her?
So, I know many of you have birthed babies in Utah County. Anybody love their OB so much that they would recommend him/her?
Oquirrh Mountain Temple
A couple of weeks ago, I took Paige to the Oquirrh Mountain Temple open house in South Jordan, UT. We went on a Monday morning along with my Grandparents, mom, my sister, Amber, and her kids.
It was a great opportunity to show Paige the inside of a temple, since she admires the outsides of them so much, and begin to teach her a little bit about why they are special to me.
She seemed to enjoy it - especially the beautiful "diamonds!" hanging from the ceiling (chandelier).
For more information about this temple and a link to make reservations for a tour, click here.
The open house will run through August 1st.
Wednesday, June 17, 2009
And The Winner Is. . .
aka Heidi, my good friend ever since our little league softball days. She is also expecting her second girl and is due only 2 weeks before me!
Congratulations Heidi!
You get to pick your prize. You can choose between a beaded binky holder, a set of three matching burp cloths, a baby bracelet (all made by me), or 'count down to baby' blocks made by my very talented sister, Amber.
We'll discuss your choice next time we talk.
Thanks for playing everyone! We are very excited for Paige to have a little sister. Paige is too. She talks to my tummy every day and frequently asks if we can just open up my belly button and take her out now :)
Tuesday, June 16, 2009
Sunday, June 14, 2009
Gender Contest
I have my 20 week ultrasound tomorrow. You know what that means. . . . we get to find out if the baby is a boy or a girl! (as well as whether or not he or she is healthy).
So, here's the deal. In honor of this occasion I would like to hold a little contest on my blog. Just write in a comment your prediction for whether it's a boy or a girl. Once we find out I will pool all of the correct predictions together and hold a drawing. Whomever wins the drawing will win a baby related prize like a beaded binkie holder or a bracelet or some cute burb cloths, etc (I'm in the middle of moving, so that detail will have to be worked out later).
Happy Guessing!
So, here's the deal. In honor of this occasion I would like to hold a little contest on my blog. Just write in a comment your prediction for whether it's a boy or a girl. Once we find out I will pool all of the correct predictions together and hold a drawing. Whomever wins the drawing will win a baby related prize like a beaded binkie holder or a bracelet or some cute burb cloths, etc (I'm in the middle of moving, so that detail will have to be worked out later).
Happy Guessing!
Friday, June 12, 2009
Our Sweet Girl
Last night at dinner Paige was being silly. She was playing with a pat of butter, singing, and giggling to herself. Ben and I were both admiring her when Ben said, "Paige, I love you."
She stopped, looked up at him with serious eyes and replied, "Daddy, I'm so glad to have you back."
From the look on his face after that, I think his heart must have melted a little.
She stopped, looked up at him with serious eyes and replied, "Daddy, I'm so glad to have you back."
From the look on his face after that, I think his heart must have melted a little.
Thursday, June 11, 2009
When Paige called for us from her crib this morning, Ben went to get her.
He walked in to find her standing with her pink piggy footie pjs unzipped, unpeeled from her body and pooled at her feet, along with her elmo panties.
Looking at her tiny naked (freezing cold) body, he asked, "Paige, why'd you do that?"
Her reply? (said in her sweetest possible voice)
"Don't worry about it."
He walked in to find her standing with her pink piggy footie pjs unzipped, unpeeled from her body and pooled at her feet, along with her elmo panties.
Looking at her tiny naked (freezing cold) body, he asked, "Paige, why'd you do that?"
Her reply? (said in her sweetest possible voice)
"Don't worry about it."
Wednesday, June 10, 2009
My friend (ever since bonding over boys in 8th grade), Jill, had her 2nd baby girl on Monday.
Lucky for me, I was there to witness it all!
It was an awesome experience and I'm so glad Jill and Tim let me be there for their precious daughter's birth.
She is such a cutie!

Avery Mckenna Fellow
8 lbs 13 oz
20 in
born June 8, 2009 at 4:56pm
Lucky for me, I was there to witness it all!
It was an awesome experience and I'm so glad Jill and Tim let me be there for their precious daughter's birth.
She is such a cutie!
Avery Mckenna Fellow
8 lbs 13 oz
20 in
born June 8, 2009 at 4:56pm
Tuesday, May 19, 2009
Please excuse my long absence. I've been extremely preoccupied.
We are preparing to move. This moving process involves buying a house in a different part of the state and waiting for the house to be built. We are hoping to be moved by the end of July. Ben has already started his new job, so we are apart while I finish packing up the rest of our belongings in our St. George apartment.
We have a place picked out and things seem to be working out well, but I'll wait to post the specifics when things are a little more settled.
As we drove away to head back to St. George, after dropping Ben off at his job yesterday, Paige cried, "Oh, no! What'd we do with mine Daddy? I never get to see mine Daddy!"
She's been missing him. I've tried to explain that this separation of a week won't be nearly as long as the others, but I'm not sure a 2 year-old can really understand that.
We are preparing to move. This moving process involves buying a house in a different part of the state and waiting for the house to be built. We are hoping to be moved by the end of July. Ben has already started his new job, so we are apart while I finish packing up the rest of our belongings in our St. George apartment.
We have a place picked out and things seem to be working out well, but I'll wait to post the specifics when things are a little more settled.
As we drove away to head back to St. George, after dropping Ben off at his job yesterday, Paige cried, "Oh, no! What'd we do with mine Daddy? I never get to see mine Daddy!"
She's been missing him. I've tried to explain that this separation of a week won't be nearly as long as the others, but I'm not sure a 2 year-old can really understand that.
Sunday, May 10, 2009
Paige woke too early this morning.
I groaned when my mother brought her to me.
Paige had slept in Honey & Papa's large walk-in closet (we stayed overnight at my parents' last night; Ben is out of town). My mom said Paige talked in her sleep all night and had been awake for awhile talking to herself before bringing her to me. I think she might have a fever.
I stayed in bed, trying to hold onto the last remnants of sleep, while Paige lay next to me inhaling her morning sippy of milk (which my mother kindly fetched from the fridge). I was grumbling to myself about having to wake up so early (and on Mother's Day no less), anticipating the point when Paige would finish her milk and demand that I "GET UP!", when Paige suddenly stopped drinking, rubbed her hand gently across my face, and said seriously, "I love you, Mom." I smiled at her with my eyes closed. Then she cupped her little hands under my chin and demanded, "look at me." I opened my eyes. "I need to give you a kiss." And she planted one right on my lips.
I thought to myself, "she is totally worth it."
* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
Now I think I better go rub my mom's cheek, tell her I love her, and give her a kiss. She's making me pancakes right now. And probably got even less sleep than I did, since there was a little girl talking in her closet all night long.
I groaned when my mother brought her to me.
Paige had slept in Honey & Papa's large walk-in closet (we stayed overnight at my parents' last night; Ben is out of town). My mom said Paige talked in her sleep all night and had been awake for awhile talking to herself before bringing her to me. I think she might have a fever.
I stayed in bed, trying to hold onto the last remnants of sleep, while Paige lay next to me inhaling her morning sippy of milk (which my mother kindly fetched from the fridge). I was grumbling to myself about having to wake up so early (and on Mother's Day no less), anticipating the point when Paige would finish her milk and demand that I "GET UP!", when Paige suddenly stopped drinking, rubbed her hand gently across my face, and said seriously, "I love you, Mom." I smiled at her with my eyes closed. Then she cupped her little hands under my chin and demanded, "look at me." I opened my eyes. "I need to give you a kiss." And she planted one right on my lips.
I thought to myself, "she is totally worth it."
* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
Now I think I better go rub my mom's cheek, tell her I love her, and give her a kiss. She's making me pancakes right now. And probably got even less sleep than I did, since there was a little girl talking in her closet all night long.
Monday, May 4, 2009
Tag, I'm it!
My lovely sister, Noelle, tagged me so I decided to comply. I think this particular tag should be called "post an unflattering picture, RIGHT NOW!", because that's what you have to do if you get tagged.
Thanks a lot, Noelle.
Hey, at least I learned how to take a snapshot with my internal webcam.
so here are the rules:
-take a picture of yourself right now, no primping or preparing. just snap the picture.
-load onto your blog.
-tag 3 people to play… remember if you are tagged on another blog we will all be heading to yours to see if you played along.
now i'm tagging:
Thanks a lot, Noelle.
Hey, at least I learned how to take a snapshot with my internal webcam.

-take a picture of yourself right now, no primping or preparing. just snap the picture.
-load onto your blog.
-tag 3 people to play… remember if you are tagged on another blog we will all be heading to yours to see if you played along.
now i'm tagging:
Friday, April 24, 2009
"I gonna be a big sister!"
...that's how Paige broke the news to her daddy several weeks ago.
Yep, I'm pregnant!
12 weeks along.
One friend, when I told her, wondered aloud, "was Ben even back by then?"
Uh, . . . yes.
Baby's due November 6th!
Yep, I'm pregnant!
(another thing at the top of the blessings list)
12 weeks along.
One friend, when I told her, wondered aloud, "was Ben even back by then?"
Uh, . . . yes.
Baby's due November 6th!
Thursday, April 23, 2009
Thank you all for your kind comments, phone calls, listening ears, and prayers. This has been hard for me, and your support has been SO appreciated.
It seems like every day I hear of another family that's struggling - several are losing homes they can no longer afford because work has slowed, and several where the husband/father was recently laid off and is scrambling to make ends meet. I have one friend who's graduating from a top law school this spring with no job prospects (out of ~300 new graduates, only 40 have jobs lined up) and tens of thousands of $ of school debt to pay off.
So, I guess what I want to say is I'm sorry for complaining. Times are tough for a lot of people, and truthfully we still have so much to be thankful for.
I'm counting my blessings these days, and one thing near the top of the list? . . .
good friends.
It seems like every day I hear of another family that's struggling - several are losing homes they can no longer afford because work has slowed, and several where the husband/father was recently laid off and is scrambling to make ends meet. I have one friend who's graduating from a top law school this spring with no job prospects (out of ~300 new graduates, only 40 have jobs lined up) and tens of thousands of $ of school debt to pay off.
So, I guess what I want to say is I'm sorry for complaining. Times are tough for a lot of people, and truthfully we still have so much to be thankful for.
I'm counting my blessings these days, and one thing near the top of the list? . . .
good friends.
Saturday, April 18, 2009
This is really hard for me to write.
After finally arriving at the end of a very lengthy, I mean looooooooong, drawn out, disjointed, interrupted by a deployment, grueling hiring process which we fully expected to end happily, Ben was recently notified by FBI headquarters that they won't be hiring him as a special agent after all. No reason stated. Even his applicant coordinator was surprised.
While we always knew this could happen, we are still trying to wrap our heads around it and figure out what to do next.
If you look at the big picture, I guess this is pretty small potatoes. But that perspective is a little difficult to keep in focus when you have no real income and you're not even sure what you want to do in an economy where people are struggling to keep jobs that they actually already have.
Still, we're trying to remain optimistic, keep our minds open, and spend a lot of time on our knees.
After finally arriving at the end of a very lengthy, I mean looooooooong, drawn out, disjointed, interrupted by a deployment, grueling hiring process which we fully expected to end happily, Ben was recently notified by FBI headquarters that they won't be hiring him as a special agent after all. No reason stated. Even his applicant coordinator was surprised.
While we always knew this could happen, we are still trying to wrap our heads around it and figure out what to do next.
If you look at the big picture, I guess this is pretty small potatoes. But that perspective is a little difficult to keep in focus when you have no real income and you're not even sure what you want to do in an economy where people are struggling to keep jobs that they actually already have.
Still, we're trying to remain optimistic, keep our minds open, and spend a lot of time on our knees.
Friday, April 17, 2009
Paige skipped her nap today and therefore was a little overtired at bedtime tonight.
We listened at her door as she yelled for us from her crib:
Aghhhhhhhhhhhh! Get me out of here! I'm TRAPPED! I'm trapped in a cage!!!
Ha! Love it.
We listened at her door as she yelled for us from her crib:
Aghhhhhhhhhhhh! Get me out of here! I'm TRAPPED! I'm trapped in a cage!!!
Ha! Love it.
Wednesday, April 15, 2009
Tuesday, April 7, 2009
Family Pictures
One of my favorite people ever just happens to be an awesome photographer. He agreed to meet up with us yesterday in Heber and take pictures of our little family. You can see some of them here on his Phlog.
Thanks Jason!
Thanks Jason!
Tuesday, March 31, 2009
Bring on April
Ever since Ben came home at the end of January and we moved into our yucky apartment, we've been making up all sorts of excuses to go out of town. Desirable destinations include places within driving distance (no more than a day and a half in the car) and trips that are relatively inexpensive or generously subsidized by others. We've made trips to Snowmass, CO, Heber, UT, Southern California, and now we're in Heber again. I think the longest stretch we've spent at "home" so far has been 10 days.
We've had fun, Ben's had a chance to unwind from his deployment, and we've had lots of family togetherness time. But now I think we're all ready for real life to start. More than two months of "vacation" just starts to feel like you're living in limbo, which I guess we are, and the little trips become more and more contrived. Perfect example? - our current trip to Heber. A good (GREAT!) friend in South Jordan had a birthday this past weekend and we have a wedding to attend (on behalf of Ben's parents, who can't make it because they are on a mission) this Friday. So what do we do? Plan a 10 day trip and make up a bunch of stuff to fill in the whole week between the 2 "excuse" events that got us up here in the first place. I scheduled a play date for Paige, dinner with longtime friends, a much needed haircut/color by my favorite hairstylist ever (I don't really know that many, but he is GOOOOOOOD), and family portraits.
When my relatives asked why we're in town, I replied, "just killing time."
It's dying very, very slowly. And, obviously, we're running out of ways/places to "kill" it.
Any suggestions?
We've had fun, Ben's had a chance to unwind from his deployment, and we've had lots of family togetherness time. But now I think we're all ready for real life to start. More than two months of "vacation" just starts to feel like you're living in limbo, which I guess we are, and the little trips become more and more contrived. Perfect example? - our current trip to Heber. A good (GREAT!) friend in South Jordan had a birthday this past weekend and we have a wedding to attend (on behalf of Ben's parents, who can't make it because they are on a mission) this Friday. So what do we do? Plan a 10 day trip and make up a bunch of stuff to fill in the whole week between the 2 "excuse" events that got us up here in the first place. I scheduled a play date for Paige, dinner with longtime friends, a much needed haircut/color by my favorite hairstylist ever (I don't really know that many, but he is GOOOOOOOD), and family portraits.
When my relatives asked why we're in town, I replied, "just killing time."
It's dying very, very slowly. And, obviously, we're running out of ways/places to "kill" it.
Any suggestions?
Saturday, March 21, 2009
When I Grow Up . . ..
Paige: Mommy, Mommy! I grow up!
Me: You're growing up?
Paige: yeah
Me: What do you want to be when you're all grown up?
Paige: I go in a spaceship.
Me: Does that mean you want to be an astronaut?
Paige: yeah
Me: What will you see when you're in your spaceship?
Paige: I will see stars . . . and the moon . . . and twinkle, twinkle little stars!
Me: Wow, that sounds like fun.
Paige: And I have a pink space helmet. You can have blue. Go get it! Get your space helmet!
Me: We don't have space helmets. We'll have to talk to Papa tomorrow; maybe he can help us make some.
Paige: Yeah, and he can have pink.
Me: You're growing up?
Paige: yeah
Me: What do you want to be when you're all grown up?
Paige: I go in a spaceship.
Me: Does that mean you want to be an astronaut?
Paige: yeah
Me: What will you see when you're in your spaceship?
Paige: I will see stars . . . and the moon . . . and twinkle, twinkle little stars!
Me: Wow, that sounds like fun.
Paige: And I have a pink space helmet. You can have blue. Go get it! Get your space helmet!
Me: We don't have space helmets. We'll have to talk to Papa tomorrow; maybe he can help us make some.
Paige: Yeah, and he can have pink.
Sunday, March 15, 2009
We got an awesome deal through the military, so the day after Paige's party we headed to Disneyland for 3 whole days! Wooohoooo! Here's a photo summary:
Park entrance.
Paige loves pluto. He was the first thing we saw upon entering the park.

Paige loves Mickey too. She was pretty excited to visit him at his house.

On the second day we went to Minnie and Friends' character breakfast. Meeting Minnie was a very serious thing for Paige. She tried to talk to her about everything from 'where's Mickey?' to 'these chairs are soft'. Minnie was kind enough to respond with lots of nodding, hand gestures, and hugs.


What's in your mouth, Chip?

At this point they were playing loud dancing music throughout the restaurant. Paige saw Pooh out there dancing and just had to join him. She did this for the entire song.

After the character breakfast we headed over to California Adventure. She must have gone down this slide a dozen times. And every single time she got into some weird position like this.

Paige and Daddy. Both were enraptured by the Pixar Parade.

'R' stands for Reed.

Near the end of the third day we waited FOREVER to visit the princesses at the Princess Fantasy Faire. It was well worth the wait as Paige's reactions were priceless.
Her cheesy grin just kept getting better and better.

Mulan especially loved her.
The last picture I took. And one of my favorites. Paige loves Disneyland!
And they all lived happily ever after. The End.
Park entrance.
Paige loves pluto. He was the first thing we saw upon entering the park.
Paige loves Mickey too. She was pretty excited to visit him at his house.
On the second day we went to Minnie and Friends' character breakfast. Meeting Minnie was a very serious thing for Paige. She tried to talk to her about everything from 'where's Mickey?' to 'these chairs are soft'. Minnie was kind enough to respond with lots of nodding, hand gestures, and hugs.
What's in your mouth, Chip?
At this point they were playing loud dancing music throughout the restaurant. Paige saw Pooh out there dancing and just had to join him. She did this for the entire song.
After the character breakfast we headed over to California Adventure. She must have gone down this slide a dozen times. And every single time she got into some weird position like this.
Paige and Daddy. Both were enraptured by the Pixar Parade.
'R' stands for Reed.
Near the end of the third day we waited FOREVER to visit the princesses at the Princess Fantasy Faire. It was well worth the wait as Paige's reactions were priceless.
Her cheesy grin just kept getting better and better.
Mulan especially loved her.
The last picture I took. And one of my favorites. Paige loves Disneyland!
And they all lived happily ever after. The End.
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